Sunday, September 10, 2017

~ Facebook Ghost ~

It all started with the New Year resolution.. on the eve of 2012, I had taken a vow to deactivate my face book account (if not forever, at least for a day :P)! As somebody had so resourcefully remarked when asked what exactly is a new year resolution, you would perhaps agree that it is the "Things to do" list for the first week of January!! 

I was going through the deactivation process just for fun, and to see with which all names Zucker-book will try to blackmail me this time. Several prominent names from my friend-list propped up along with pictures with which they had no connection what-so-ever! I took a screen-shot and posted it to my wall with the tagline: "Promise (New year resolution) fulfilled." Comments and likes soon came and I tried to evade them as always with just a simple "Like". 

The idea occurred to me then: Facebook was telling me that if I am deactivating only temporarily, I can anytime, log in back with my email ID and password. I decided to give it a try! Clicked the deactivate button and it asked, "Are you sure?" "Am I nuts?!" I asked back and clicked 'yes'. Then came the worst part: face book needs you to enter a text or Audio CAPTCHA for the security check! 

The first time, I didn't understand a thing.. so asked for another text. I entered the text what I presumed it was and again another text needed to be entered. This time, after confirmation, they were saying as I have tried the security check twice, I had to do it again.. enough!! I just closed the tab and continued my face book activities as normal.

People were asking about me in the group (KOZHIKOTTUKAAR) and discussing my absence! I commented there that I have not deactivated my account or gone away forever, but people were not listening.. what the hell?!! Howsoever I tried to convince them that I am still there, they were behaving like I was dead.. they were not aware of my presence. I could see all the posts, comments or likes and was getting updates & notifications from every where. I went to sleep in confusion.

Morning, I get a call from my face book friend in Puduchery asking why I had deactivated my account.

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